Welcome C/E Bui Duy Hoang joined MSC Aube F in Bulgaria Our first C/E joined MSC Fleet, He will treval to Marlow Navigation in Cyprus for his briefing. Bon voyage chief.
Welcome 2O Hoang Van Dong joined MV MSC Michigan VII at Port Louis / Mauritius Bon voyage and promote yourself
Welcome 12 our crew completion contract and 12 crew joined ship in Yokohama port, Japan Bon voyage and be safe always Secon Shipmanagement
Welcome 2O Tran Van Sy joined MV Seacon Manila at Suez canal, Egypt Promote yourself and bon voyage Secon Shipmanagement
Welcome 3O, ETO, 2 OLR, WPR, Messman joined MV Seacon Fuzhou in Mexico Bon voyage and stay safe. Secon Shipmanagement
Welcome onboard 2O Do Van Cong, 3O Nguyen Xuan Sang, 4E Tran Van Doanh and AB Pham Van Minh joined MV Seacon Yantai in Singapore anchorage Bon voyage to all. Seacon Shipmanagement